Palm Fibre Pellet/Briquette Plant

Palm Fibre Pellet/Briquette Plant

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Palm Fibre Pellet/Briquette Plant

Enmark specializes in Instrumentation, Controls, Dryer, Dehumidification and Renewable Energy System. We incorporate human machine interface with graphics in the control systems.

In line with our corporate philosophy of forming lasting Customer Relationship, we focus our activities on Customer Benefits. We provide proven and latest state-of-the-art technologies to our customers to help achieve high productivity with enhanced quality since our inception in 1987.
          Palm Fibre Pellet/Briquette-A Renewable Fuel
Palm Oil tree


Palm oil fruits


Palm oil process


Crushed empty fruit bunch

Empty fruit bunch

  • As a major producer of palm oil, we also produced an enormous amount of palm oil waste such as empty fruit bunches (EFB).
  • Creating pellet/briquette as an alternative fuel, helps to make our environment friendlier.

Benefit of Briquetting/Pelleting
  • High energy content
  • High density
  • Spare fuel
  • Easy to handle

Use Of Pellet/Briquette
  • Steam generation for industries
  • District/home heating
  • Electricity generation
  • Incinerator fuel
  • Barbequing
  • Camping

          Potential Raw Material in World Market
  • With the decreasing sawdust supply and increasing global interest in renewable fuel, palm biomass is a potential raw material to be used in pellet/briquette production.
  • Production cost would depend on the raw material used as the major cost is pre-treatment of the EFB.
  • Pelleting/briquetting of palm biomass increases its calorific value, reduces moisture content and makes it easy to handle.
  • The EFB is to be treated and processed into pellet/briquette via proven technology
  • Nominal capacity ranges from 0.5 tons per day to 800 tons per day.
  • Palm Crusher
    Airless Dryer

                                                     Process flow:
     Briquette Machine
     Quality Control
     Empty Fruit Palm

          Raw Material for The Production Of Palm-Based Biomass Briquette


EFB Fibre (2-3mm)   Briquette
  • Physical: Cylindrical log shape.
  • Bulk density: Approx 950 to 1200kg/m3
  • Calorific value: Approx 22 MJ/kg to 25 MJ/kg
  • Moisture content: 12% to 15%
  • Typical size: Approx 50mmØ x 150mm length (briquette)/10mmØ x 25mm   length (pellet)
Palm Crusher



EFB- Before crushing   Palm Crusher   EFB – After crushing

Briquette/Pellet Machine                                     Airless Dryer



Combustion Analysis
Burning Profile Of Palm Biomass Briquette

19 Aug 2024